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How to pay?

Pay by ACH
- Transistmica: Cta. Corriente / Banco General. Mega Rent TRANS, S.A. Nº03-72-01-098377-3
- San Francisco: Cta. Corriente / Banco General. Mega Rent PTY, S.A. Nº03-01-01-070721-4
- Juan Diaz: Cta. Corriente / Banco General. Mega Rent JD, S.A. Nº03-72-01-098273-7
- Condado: Cta. Corriente / Banco General. Mega Rent CDR, S.A. Nº03-72-01-114782-0

Pay by Yappy
- Transistmica: megastoragetransistmica
- San Francisco: megastoragesanfrancisco
- Condado: megastoragecondado
- Juan Díaz: megastoragejuandiaz

Pay by Check
- Transistmica: Mega Rent TRANS, S.A.
- San Francisco: Mega Rent PTY, S.A.
- Condado: Mega Rent JD, S.A.
- Juan Diaz: Mega Rent CDR, S.A.

Recurring payment
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